Acupuncture, is an ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is gaining huge popularity in the west due to its effective results with issues such as infertility, IVF, acute/chronic pain, digestive issues, auto immune diseases, mental health concerns, and many more patterns of disharmony. It is recognised by the majority of health insurance providers in Ireland.
A typical acupuncture session entails lying still while approximately five to twenty thin needles are inserted along meridians; for the majority of cases, the needles will be left in place for twenty minutes to forty minutes.
Cupping is another ancient form of therapy where glass cups are heated to produce a vacuum and placed on your skin for a few minutes to create suction. Cupping is used to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep-tissue massage.
Electro acupuncture uses a TENS machine (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) to stimulate qi flow to acupuncture points. The TENS machine is attached to the needles with small clips and then uses a light electrical current to pulse on the points to enhance the therapeutic effect of the treatment.
Moxabustion is a technique where moxa (dried mugwort) is heated over an acupuncture point or attached to a needle to increase qi and blood flow to the point. The treatment is very relaxing and strengthens qi to boost the immune system and energy and to help with fatigue, digestive and sleep issues, and much much more.